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Are you the creative type? Dress Up Prom!

- 11:11:00
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We have uploaded a few styles from our prom line to our profile on Polyvore! You can find our Polyvore profile here. What we would like you to do is create "sets" using our Mystique Prom gowns - it's like a virtual dress up game! If you visit our profile, do the following:

  • Click on any of the Mystique prom gowns (there are 20 to choose from)
  • You will see a message that looks like this:
  • Click on the link that says "Be the first to create one"
  • Play around adding shoes, makeup, backgrounds, etc - create your dream look!
Make sure you send us the link to your saved set and tag our dresses so we can find them! We want to see what you come up with! It will be good to practice....I think another contest is coming on (hint hint!)
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