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Party Party Party!

- 07:04:00
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We had to share with you a major sale going on at one of our retail locations! We love a good party, don't you? So, Melise's Boutique over in Marion, IL is gearing up for a big weekend sale!

Friday,Saturday and Monday 10:00a.m. to 5:00pm! 

Melise's Boutique/Award Winning Formal Wear
928 West Main Street
Marion, IL, 62959

Come in and register for free prizes....free spray tans, photos, etc! They have hundreds of NEW Prom, Pageant and Special Occasion dresses in stock - like gowns from Mystique Prom!

Sunday is the Bridal Show at the Williamson County Pavilion
....come check out Melise's booth for a lot of new items and register for the great gifts!!!

We hope if you are anywhere near Marion, IL you plan on checking it out! 
Take pics...tell us how it was...and did you win anything??

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