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Pick our Fall 2011 Wedding Gown Catalog Cover!

- 18:25:00
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We have been working on our Fall 2011 Catalog and we want your help! Here's the deal - we have narrowed down the choices and we are leaving it up to you, our friends and fans, to tell us your favorite! This contest will run for 7 days and we will announce the winner on April 1st! 

So what are the qualifications to vote? Pretty easy! You just need to be:

  • A follower of our Bonny Blog -or-
  • A friend on Facebook
The winner will get a special prize (valued at $100) and bragging rights for choosing our Fall 2011 catalog cover gown!

Leave a comment and your email address so we can contact you if you are the winner!
Here are your choices....
Gown #1

Gown #2 

Gown #3

 Gown #4

Gown #5 

The winner will be selected using random.org on April 1st!
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