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Bonny Bridal Bingo - Let's Play!

- 13:59:00
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We've been waiting to hit a milestone on our Bonny Bridal Fan Page over on Facebook! Today, we hit it: 1500 fans! Yahooo! Thank you all for joining us! We love interacting with our fans so to celebrate this milestone, we are going to play Bonny Bridal Bingo!! (we just made this game up so bear with us - ha!).

How to play:
1. Well, first you have to be a FAN on our Facebook page (and like us...duh right?!)
2. We are going to make a post on our Fan page that you need to respond to a specific question
3. Only ONE comment per person
4. We will play for a couple of hours (in case you are away from your computer!)
5. Today's bingo round will be: Respond to our post listing what your married name will be (or if you are already married list your new last name) and then name a word that has something to do with a wedding that starts with the first letter of your new name! 


  • Your new last name will be Smith. So on the Facebook post you put "Smith - Something Borrowed.
  • You're already married and your new last name is Brown so, you post: Brown - Bouquet
How to win: It's COMPLETELY random! We will pick 3 random winners when we close the bingo round (we will post something when we are getting ready to close the game). So, keep checking our page and BE CREATIVE!!!!
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